Inverclyde Community Fund has announced a new grant fund from the Inverclyde Windfarm Fund in 2023 to go toward Sustainable Development projects.
Grants of up to £5,000 will be awarded for the best sustainable development projects that focus on change and that are likely to have a positive impact in the future. Both organisations and individuals are eligible to apply but must be located within Inverclyde.
ICF expects to award around six grants to organisations and individuals through the programme.
The Sustainable Development Grants will only be awarded to projects or activities that meet specific sustainable development priorities:
1. The Environment
2. Renewable Energy
3. Energy Efficiency
4. Sustainable Development - this includes activity under one or more of the following:
Community or society
The economy
The focus of the project or activity must be to bring about change and be likely to have a positive impact in the future.
Sustainable Development Grants Timescales:
Sustainable Development Grants launch 1st August 2023
Applications open from 4th August 2023
Final deadline for applications by 15th September 2023
Assessments and decisions will be made on an ongoing basis
Projects must start within 2 months of receipt of the grant
Projects should be completed within 12 months of receipt of grant
An End of Grant Report must be completed and returned to ICF at the end of the project.
For further details and to apply, click here.