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£5,000 AWARD

Inverclyde Shed received a Sustainable Development Grant of £5,000 from the Inverclyde Windfarm Fund.

"During 2021-2022 Inverclyde Shed installed over 30 small growing spaces across the Inverclyde school & nursery estate.

"The plan is to take this work to a new level by offering ten local schools the chance to have a small heritage apple orchard planted at their grounds.

"The grant will pay for 160 bare-root apple trees, approximately 16 per site.

The project will contribute to the sustainable development in the area by establishing orchards to absorb carbon emissions and providing fruit and valuable pollinator environments.

"It will also provide learning for multiple school year groups around tree growth, pollination, fruit formation, aftercare, and pruning – a learning resource for generations. 


“Orchards last for 25-50 years and represent an investment in our future, passing on nature and knowledge to future generations.”

Bruce Newlands, Treasurer.

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