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£5,000 AWARD

Parklea Branching Out received a Sustainable Development Grant of £5,000 from the Inverclyde Windfarm Fund.

"For the last four years, Inverclyde has had the most adults with learning disabilities per 1,000 people in Scotland.

"This community consistently faces poorer outcomes in terms of education, employment, and health, evidencing a significant need for organisations like Parklea Branching Out to develop and improve opportunities. 

"They will expand their work with individuals with learning disabilities and autism.

"The grant will contribute towards building on the successes of programmes, supporting the sustainability for clients, whilst also assisting with new capital ventures. 

"The impact will be to ensure that people with learning disabilities and autism in Inverclyde have the best possible opportunities to get the most from life and that there are opportunities for them to build their social relationships and become involved in new group activities.


"The project will contribute to the sustainable development of the area by providing social and therapeutic horticulture as a vehicle to provide a variety of accessible training, work experience, supported employment, recreational and social facilities for young people and adults with a wide range of cognitive disabilities.


“Since 1997, we have been empowering vulnerable young people and adults with disabilities and additional support needs to fulfil their potential – supporting them to gain the skills and confidence to enable them to integrate into society and maximise their own potential.”

Sharon Gemmell, Manager.

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Funding Scotland

©2022 by Inverclyde Community Fund SCIO

Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registration No. SC051145

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